It is good said "Internet is a boon but if it is enjoyed responsibly". When this punch line comes to today's era, we have to concern about social networking sites. We all are enough aware of the good side of coin, but the another side is really must to discuss.
The fact why I choose this topic of preventing your child overindulging in social networking site like Facebook, in just the beginning of my Letmeconnect blogging journey, is to first draw your attention to the harmful side of social networking. And being a co-admin of this blog, it's my moral duty to take the most precautionary, carefully and emotionally part of your life and that is obvious your child.
I'll surely write a post for advantages of social networking sites for your child, but drawbacks are more. So I prefer to write first about the drawbacks of social networking sites for your child.
I'm specifically emphasizing on Facebook, you can use these precautionary measures for other social networking sites like Twitter, Orkut, Myspcae, GooglePlus etc.
Let me write the things which are harmful to your child, followed by the tips to prevent your child overindulgence.